The Jesuits And the Counter Reformation

The Jesuits And The Counter ReformationBY LAMULANI. B. NGWENYA


The reformation had amassed much, the German monk had been driving his
stakes deeper into the heart of the Papal kingdom. The nature of the
Protestant theology was designed merely to expound much on the
doctrines that brought them into a collision course with papal
scholarship. Yet the reformers sailed through over the Holy See without
much Scholarly intensity. The Roman Church was loosing face with the
masses. The very grip that the Holy See had on the people was loosing
it's hold. The sell of indulgence was loosing it's effect. The
reformation had opened to the people the floods of Biblical theology
that was very much in contradiction to Papal theology. The popes lived
lavishly off the fiscal acumen of the sellers of indulgences. The
reformation had made it possible for the people to see the true nature
of the Romish theology. Luther's thesis led to the spread of the

idea that man is not saved by human merit, yet there is need for a
soter ( a Saviour). While the church proclaimed that salvation was as a
consequence of membership to the church. Human merits were the key to
finding favor with God, whereas the reformation taught sola Christos,
sola fide and sola Gracia.

These tenets saw the Papal threshold collapse under the heavy load of
reformatory barrage. The possibility of regaining it's ground seemed
hopelessly lost. The reformation was spreading like wild fire in the
Papal states. She was losing members across disciplines. Catholicity
was no longer the profession of many. Congregates found solace in the
theology of the reformers. They saw clearly the treacherous results of
maintaining membership in these societies. Monkish drudgery made the
reformation even more plausible in the eyes of the people. In
considering the extent of Monkish fiscal plaguer y, the people were in
a state of readiness to receive new light from the reformers.

The reformation was made possible by the fidelity in manuscript
translation made by the

Waldensess. Martin Luther, known as the Morning Star Of The Reformation
was inspired initially by the Latin Vulgate. It was this Bible that
made Martin Luther to come to the conclusion that the “Just Shall live
by faith” . Yet it was the Waldensian manuscripts that lead the
Lutheran reformation. The Lutheran German Bible was however not
translated from the Latin Vulgate, but from the Waldensian manuscripts.
These manuscripts were in contradiction with each other, were by the
Latin Vulgate was a Jeromenian translation from the Alexandrian
manuscriptural genealogical family and the Waldensian Bible had an
Oriental origin.

The thesis propounded by Martin Luther, was therefore heavily
inspired by the writings of the Greek patriarchs. Their theology was
weighing heavily on the Byzantine theology, as opposed to the Papal one
that was very much Alexandrian. The differences in theology and Greek
semantics of their time made it possible for the conflict to be
maintained. The papal source(the ancient Manuscript) for their English
version of the Latin Vulgate were Palimpsestic. Thus rendering the
authenticity of their bible in a questionable light.

This therefore called for prompt action from the prelates, otherwise
the Roman Catholic Church was facing extinction. The Papal See was
facing the greatest challenge of is time. All that the Popes had
claimed about their infallibility, their divine oration(ex-cathedra)
and the power to absolve sin the reformation was bringing it to it's
knees. Any action against the reformation had to be done swiftly. Hence
it was at this time that the Papal dignitaries unleashed one of Romes
most formidable armies, the Society that claimed service for Jesus,
known as the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits, a Roman Catholic Order
whose single objective of existence is the extermination of the
Reformation and Protestantism.

The Order works under strict military conditions. They have one code
and that is to obey “perendi ce cadaver”, that is, to obey like a
corpse. The order has a General on top who controls the society.

They pledge allegiance to no one but the Pope and the Virgin Mary. The
Order is non Monastic.  They are neither monks nor pastors. They
have two doctrines, one for the insider and the other for the
catechumen, the order is secretive. They possess the ability to change
personal profiles in order to achieve their means. It was Machiavelli
who coined the phrase “the end justifies the means”, it is this very
maxim that fuels the Jesuits. Hence they made the best army of the
Papacy to fight the reformation. The order leveled itself with it's
enemies, thus, making them the most formidable instrument for the
Papacy and against the reformation and protestantism in general. The
rise of the Jesuit order justified it's existence through the theory
that asserted that the Protestant reformation was a rebellion that need
to be thwarted because they were full of heresies that were in excess.
In support of the works of Loyola, Bayle (1919) stated that the Jesuit
General performed many miracles some of which were “confirmed by the
most authentic proofs and careful examination”, implying that the
general was moved by the Spirit to almost demigod figurine, instilling
an element

of being inerrant to the mostly superstitions masses of the 16th
century. Hence the call to fight the Reformation was however not
opposed extensively.

The fights that happened between the Jesuits in the time of Luther were
mostly intellectual and scholarly. Their special obedience to the Pope
naturally caused the Jesuits to fight against the greatest danger to
the Catholic Church, Protestantism. Their goal to fight protestantism
saw them becoming more aligned to secular powers, Fox(1896). They had a
garb of ecclesiastical preeminence, whilst behind the garb lay a desire
to extinguish the protestant faith, White(1911). Lead by the Knight of
Popish prestige the Jesuit fighters Marshalled themselves heavily on
the battle field of faiths, with a heavy intent of re-establishing the
Roman Catholic Faith to it's former dark age glory. Loyola was inspired
by the tales of the Saints, which he got acquainted with whilst in
hospital in Pamplona. Wylie(1888) states that while in hospital
“romances of chivalry and tales of war were brought to him to beguile
the hours. These exhausted, other books were produced, but of a

somewhat different character. This time it was the legends of the
saints that were brought to the bed-rid knight. The tragedy of the
early Christian martyrs passed before him as he read. Next came the
monks and hermits of the Thebaic deserts and the Sinaitic mountains.
With an imagination on fire he perused the story of the hunger and cold
they had braved of the self-conquests they had achieved of the battles
they had waged with evil spirits of the glorious visions that had been
vouchsafed them and the brilliant rewards they had gained in the
lasting reverence of earth and the felicities and dignities of heaven”.

It was at this point that the Knight General rose up from the sick
bed a renewed warrior of a religious type. Vowed to sanctity to Mary,
he lived an ascetic life which enabled him the highest form of
intellectual attainment. Loyola, a knight turned Monk, burned more than
ever before to serve slavishly for the Virgin Mary. He turned to
visions and mystic meditations. The knight- monkish general he was
never led to a monastic lifestyle but instead employed by the Papal
dignitaries he proved a formidable weapon for the Roman Catholic
Church, than did the French Prince. The ascetic life style was to be
integrated into the order. The mystic meditations which would be
further developed to what they would call the “spiritual exercises”, a
very pivotal part for the order. The order claims to be garbed in
religious apparel hence their appellation “the society of Jesus”.
Campbell(1943) says "...they are called the Society or Company of
Jesus, the latter designation expressing more correctly the military
idea of the founder, which was to establish, as it were, a new
battalion in the spiritual army of the Catholic Church”. This new
battalion was a “spiritual” military

force, their motivation was the establishment of a spiritual kingdom.
This “spiritual kingdom” was to be headed by the Roman Pontiff, of
which they said they claimed allegiance. Hence the Jesuit order would
hence forth turn out to be more militarily based than spiritual.

The head of the order is called the General, because he leads a pseudo
religious military organization. The aim of the Jesuits is the
extermination of Protestantism. The Encyclopedia Britannica(1886)
states that the “...Jesuits alone rolled back the tide of Protestant
advance when that half of Europe which had not already shaken off its
allegiance to the Papacy, was threatening to do so, and the whole
horrors of the counter-reformation are theirs singly”. When the
Lutheran bible reached the hands of the masses the people were very
much indignant of the Papal indulgence seller Johann

Tetzel. The people had become educated through the studious efforts of
Martin Luther. The very fact that the reformer was of the Papal clergy
weighed heavily on the people, and the very grip that had been lost by
the papacy had to be restored. It was the work of the Jesuit scholars
to bring about the demise of the Protestant movement. It was Eck was
chosen as the man to champion the cause for Rome. It took the most of
his oratory

skills to out wit the German scholar. Eck “was the man who recommenced
the combat. He was sincerely attached to the papacy”,...Eck had studied
the art of disputation according to the rules of the schoolmen, and had
become a master in this sort of controversy”, Wylie (1888). He seemed
suitable to wage war with German scholar. Though that was so yet these
efforts could not afford Rome the victories that they wanted. It had to
take a more vigorous approach in dealing with the reformed faith.
trent full of Jesuits

The Council Of Trent(1545-1563) was called to discuss the
protestant tide. Noble(1945) purports to the fact that “perhaps the
most important result of the Council of Trent, which was originally
supposed to carry  out reforms, was the re-stressing of the
validity and authority of unwritten traditions in opposition to
Luther's doctrine of the Holy Scripture alone (sola scriptura)”. This
captured the whole essence of the papal see. The placing of the
traditions of man over the inspired scholarship. This act was in
response to the inerrant authority that Luther had placed on the Bible.
It wasn't just any other Bible that Luther had placed his faith on but
it was the received text in which Luther had said to be the “Sola
Scriptura” Wilkson (1930). The council of Trent placed the received
text on the index of prohibited books, and it's place “...the Index
librorum prohibitorum was announced 1564

and the following books were issued with the papal imprimatur: the
Profession of the Tridentine Faith and the Tridentine Catechism (1566),
the Breviary (1568), the Missal (1570) and the Vulgate (1590 and then
1592)” Wetterau (1994). The Latin Vulgate is Arian, Wilkson (1930), it
substantiates everything that the received text doesn't advocate. It
demotes the Divinity of Jesus Christ. The Jesuits however stated
expressly that

in order to degrade the moral standards of the people they have to
“undermine the paper pope of the protestants” meaning the received

The Council Of Trent (1545-1563) declared that “ for the
Inquisition, its leading principle was that, in its own words, 'to
heretics and especially to Calvinists no toleration must be granted'.
It is important to recognise that the re-instatement of the Inquisition
in the sixteenth century was spearheaded by the Jesuits, as were its
atrocities...”. The inquisition initially was directed at the
Waldensian Christians in Northern Italy in the 12th century. It was
Dominic who was issued with the task of spearheading the inquisition.
Sixtus V validated what Leo XIII had initiated originally, that is the
inquisition. It proved a successful tool for the Papacy, to a greater
extent as Jerome, Huss and Cranmer fell victim to it's squalid brute
force that only can a papist marshal. McCabe (1928) states that “...
the inquisition was purely an establishment of the Church of Rome. It
was founded for the express reason for the extirpation of heresy...”.
Therefore the Jesuits saw here an effective tool for the modeling of
proper catholicity, by quailing the Protestant tide through the
exercise of force by instigating the inquisition. Jones (1886) asserts
to the fact that it was the “...order of the Jesuits that was the
strength of the Inquisition..” The inquisition one of the dreadful and
most pernicious movement within the Roman Catholic order, was the
instrumentality of the Jesuits. It was the Augustinian order that, took
the inquisition from the Dominicans, Fox(1896), and conducted the whole
ordeal. Their common purpose was to crush the “French and Northern
Italic Christians” who held to a different doctrine which they got from
the Eastern Byzantine Church, which had their scriptures from Jerusalem

Wilkinson(1930). Where as the Papal see had it's scriptures from the
Alexandrian sources in Egypt, Ibid.

The Latin Vulgate was an Ecumenical Bible. Compiled from manuscripts
that were of an

origin. The manuscripts were as a product of Eusibius Bishop of
Ceaserea, who had a student called Origen. Origen was a teacher in the
catachical schools of Alexandria. It was in these schools that
Gnosticism was developed. The Latin Vulgate was written from gnostic
sources. Then these manuscripts were then used by Jerome a student of
Eusibius to compile the Latin Vulgate which says things that are
different from the Lutheran Bible. This became a point of conflict
between the Reformation and the Inquisitors, Wilkinson (1930).
Jones(1873) states that the Jesuits wrote about the Waldensess, which
haboured the received texts that they had received straight from the
churches of the first century in Antioch, middle east. It is this
received text that facilitated the development of the English
Protestant bible. This is the same bible that was placed under the
index of prohibited books by the council of Trent. The council of Trent
was called specifically for quilling the “pastoral dissensions that had
threatened the common

wealth” of the Papal see, Waterworth (1848) . The term “pastoral
dissensions” is a reference to the roman catholic clergy that had
dissented. Hence the council had to restate its stand on certain points
of doctrine.

The reformation had gained much sway with the laity, the clergy
were in no way unaffected by the cry of the reformed faith. During the
council of Trent, those points of dissension between the reformation
and the Papacy were reestablished. According to the council of
Trent(1543-1565) “...It ordains and decrees that, before all other
things, a confession of faith is to be set forth following herein the
examples of the Fathers, who have been wont, in the most sacred
councils, at the beginning of the Actions thereof, to oppose this
shield against heresies; and with this alone, at times, have they drawn
the unbelieving to the faith, overthrown heretics, and confirmed the

Caringola (1991) states that “ the Council of Trent, the
Catholic Church gave the Jesuits the specific assignment of bringing
Protestantism back to the “Mother Church”. This was to be done not only
through the inquisition and through torture, but also through theology
and deception. According to the Jesuit ordination oath, a Jesuit Priest
swears allegiance to the pope as the Head of the “Universal Church” and
the representative of Christ in the world, “his Vicegerent” an alter
Christos”. The Postulant further swears that “... the doctrine of the
churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and
others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they
themselves damned who will not forsake the same”. The intent is the
extermination of the Protestant religion.

The deceptive nature of how the Jesuits penetrate the protestant
churches is stated by the Jesuit principal during ordination were he
states that, “...My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the
dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a
spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man.
Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a
Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other
Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their
confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce
with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope;
and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you
might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of
your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope 1. . These very tactics
were employed in the Bartholomew massacre in France.

All in the name of countering the reformation. The believers were
gather together under the banner of ecumenism. Beguiled to believe that
all was well on that the church of Rome was very much intending for
peace, suddenly at the very hour when the people least expected the
Romish armies, led by the Jesuits, attacked and massacred millions of
Protestant Christian believers. This is the nature in which
protestantism was and will be dealt with by the Jesuits.
Manhattan(1949) states that it sometimes becomes necessary for the
Catholic Church to ally itself with forces which not only are
non-religious or non-Catholic, but are even hostile to religion. This
occurs when the Catholic Church, being confronted by enemies which it
cannot overcome alone, sees itself compelled to find allies who also
desire the destruction of such enemies. The Jesuit maxim “end justifies
the means”, augments within the system the employment of what ever
means necessary in extirpating “heresy”. Wilkinson(1930) On the other
hand, it is the most subtle and intolerant. It was formed after the
Reformation began and for the chief purpose of destroying the
Reformation. ..They overrun all countries and constitute the army
militant of the Papacy... Within thirty-five years after Luther had
nailed his thesis upon the door of the Cathedral of Wittenberg, and
launched his attacks upon the errors and corrupt practices of Rome, the
Protestant Reformation was thoroughly established. The great
contributing factor to this spiritual upheaval was the translation by
Luther of the Greek New Testament of Erasmus into German. .. In
consternation, the Papacy looked around in every direction

for help. If the Jesuits had not come forward and offered to save the
situation, to-day there might not be a Catholic Church. ..Soon
afterwards, he wrote that book called “Spiritual Exercises,” which did
more than any other document to erect a new papal theocracy and to
bring about the establishment of the infallibility of the Pope. In
other words, Catholicism since the Reformation is a new Catholicism. It
is more fanatical and more intolerant.

The Jesuits, will capture the colleges and the universities. We will
gain control of instruction in law, medicine, science, education, and
so weed out from all books of instruction, anything injurious to Roman
Catholicism. We will mould the thoughts and ideas of the youth.

We will enroll ourselves as Protestant preachers and college professors
in the different Protestant faiths. Sooner or later, we will undermine
the authority of the Greek New Testament of Erasmus, and also of those
Old Testament productions which have dared to raise their heads against
the Old Testament of the Vulgate and against tradition. And thus will
we undermine the Protestant Reformation. White(1911) relates that Rome
had “summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this
time, the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel,
unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of Popery... To combat
these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that
enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of
truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for
them to commit, no deception too base for

them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed
to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure
wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and
the reestablishment of the papal supremacy”. The Jesuits managed to
engage themselves in the task of propagating their theology in a new

They were avowed Protestant destroyers. The move to destroy
protestantism meant that they were moving from the usual norms. The use
of Civil power was proving ineffective for Rome. So the Sons of Loyola
were employed. Their role in educating Princes and Royalties ensured
that they maintained their sway on the monarchs. This saw the likes of
queen Mary of Scotland, becoming a champion for Popery against the

Their training made them very effective against protestants. They, as
Wylie would put it “There was no disguise they could not assume, and
therefore there was no place into which they could not penetrate. They
could enter unheard the closet of the monarch, or the cabinet of the
statesman. They could sit unseen in Convocation or General Assembly,
and mingle unsuspected in the deliberations and debates. There was no
tongue they could not speak, and no creed they could not profess, and
thus there was no people among whom they might not sojourn, and no
Church whose membership they might not enter, and whose functions they
might not discharge”.

This discharge of service provided them with advantages that were
not accessible to protestants, that is deception. The Protestant forces
relied heavily on scholarship. The Jesuits developed their science of
deception from the how their foes worked. The Jesuits managed to move
from the conventional crusade style to form academies all across
Europe, to lead the next generation of Protestant offspring to accept
their Jesuit teachings and reject the orthodox Protestantism. In his
attempt to warn the world of the Jesuits, Louis XV lamented their
clandestine movements by stating "I know these men as well as any one
can do: all the schemes they have carried on, and the pains they have
taken to spread darkness over the earth, as well as their efforts to
rule and embroil Europe from Cape Finisterre to Spitzbergen! In China
they were mandarins; in France, academicians, courtiers, and
confessors; in Spain and Portugal, grandees; and in Paraguay, kings.
Thompson(1894) relates some of the inductions found in their
constitution, “... as for holy obedience, this virtue must be perfect
in every point — in execution, in will, in intellect — doing what is
enjoined with all celerity, spiritual joy, and perseverance; persuading
ourselves that everything is just; suppressing every repugnant thought
and judgment of one’s own, in a certain obedience;... and let every one
persuade himself that he who lives under obedience should be moved and
directed, under Divine Providence, by his superior, just as if he were
a corpse (perinde ac si cadaver esset), which allows itself to be moved
and led in any direction . Idem states that, “...if Protestantism, or
the semblance of Protestantism, showed itself in any quarter, it was
instantly met, not by petty, teasing persecution, but by persecution of
that sort which bows down and crushes all but a very few select
spirits. Whoever was suspected of heresy, whatever his rank, his
learning, or his reputation, knew that he must purge himself to the
satisfaction of a severe and most vigilant tribunal, or die by fire.
Heretical books were sought out and destroyed with similar rigor.

The power of protestants, that lied in the path of the Jesuits was not
strong enough to withstand the wrath of the Jesuits.

The hatred manifested by the Jesuits in dealing with the Waldensess, is

how much they vilified the protestant faith. Persecution, though
formidable, had its place in their course of action. Yet they were
ready also to release from their arsenal, one of their deadliest
weapons, the Spiritual exercises. These exercises were designed to
reveal God to the believer Mullan(1914). It come in direct
contradiction with what the reformers had stood for, sola fide. If the
revelation of God had to come from a series of exercises that are “...a
way of understanding and living the human relationship with God...”Pope
Paul III[2] this was then in antagonistic interpretation of the cry of
reformation that validated the maxim “sola scriptura”. This was then
later infiltrated into the protestant faith by the Jesuits. It appears
within the Protestant faith under a synonym of ... “Spiritual
Formation...” Oakland(2007). Froude(1991) The Society came to exercise
a marked influence to which their presence in the Council of Trent, as
the Pope’s theologians, gave signal testimony. It was a wise stroke of
policy for the Papacy to entrust its cause in the Council so largely to
the Jesuits. The opening decrees of the Council of Trent had set the
pace for centuries to come. They pointed out the line of battle which
the Catholic reaction would wage against the Reformation. First
undermine the Bible, then destroy the Protestant teaching and doctrine.
If we include the time spent in studying these questions before the
opening session of the Council in 1545 until the Jesuit Bible made its
first appearance in 1582, fully forty years were passed in the
preparation of Jesuit students who were being drilled in these
departments of learning. Innes(1946) The first attack on the position
of the Reformers regarding the Bible must soon come.

It was clearly seen then, as it is now, that if confusion on the origin
and authenticity of the

could be spread abroad in the world, the amazing certainty of the
Reformers on these points, which had astonished and confounded the
Papacy, could be broken down. In time the Reformation would be
splintered to pieces, and driven as the chaff before the wind. The
leadership in the battle for the Reformation was passing over from
Germany to England. In commenting about the nature of “reaching to God
through the 'human experience' ”, Witcombe (2012) states that Spiritual
formation, then, can be seen as a way of seeking a relationship with
God and a transformed inner self through the practice of spiritual and
often mystical disciplines. Unfortunately, many earnest Christians and
Christian leaders are entering into a spiritualistic lifestyle without
even realizing it. Their desire to draw near to God is leading them to
mystic and even occult rituals hidden among godly practices. Jesuits
developed what they have termed “counter theology”. This theology was
intended to counter the fact that the reformation had fingered the
Papacy as the Anti-Christ power of Daniel 7 and 8. In order to take the
heat way from Rome, in the 1600s, Jesuits scholars Alcazar and Ribera,
formulated two theories. The one claiming that the Anti Christ is not
Roman, but a sinister individual form the past. While the other theory
says that the Anti Christ power will come in the future. These theories
are known as preterism and futurism respectively, Froom (1954). Froom
(1954) further points out that Alcazar's disruptive pro-Catholic
Preterist thesis was adopted into the Protestantism of the rationalist
school. About the same time the Protestant Historicists returned to
premillennialism. But Futurism remained within the Catholic ranks until
much later. It

did not permeate the ranks of Protestantism until the third decade of
the nineteenth century. These Futurist and Preterist counter
interpretations crept in among Protestants. Preterism had already begun
to break Protestant unity on the basic identification of Antichrist and
on the year-day principle, as certain Protestants of influence on the
Continent(Europe) began to deny the very principles that made the
Reformation such a mighty power. Introduced into England by Samuel Lee
in 1830, it led a trend toward a rationalistic view of prophecy.

The Jesuit misinterpretation of the scriptures, as Carlyle (1795-1881)
points out, is known as casuistry. Jesuitism and all that it represents
constituted a new perversion in matters of truth and morals that among
all the evils that preceded it none was so subtle, so perfectly
organized, so all pervasive. Its great secret is that it corrupts, and
therefore controls, truth and morals, not only among Roman Catholics,
but also in the non-Roman Catholic (Protestantism) population of a
country and of the world at large.

These strategies that the Jesuits employ were mainly meant to
counter the reformatory principles that had pointed to catholicity as
the Babylonian system of Revelation chapter seventeen. These
counter-reformatory theories have proved to be effective in bring the
protestant world to a place were they have lost all the truths that the
reformation fathers had held as supreme to even lay down their live
for. The Jesuits lie and they articulate this in such a subtle way that
Noble() says that the characteristically it is a “Jesuit pattern of
lies and double-talk”, accompanied by infiltration and destabilization
with the ultimate aim of the destruction of all opponents. Whenever the
Jesuits and their protégées speak they say one thing when in actual
reality they mean the very opposite. They may articulate one thing that
may send one massage to the catechumen while the inside Jesuits read in
the massage a totally different form of presentation all together. Its
part of the Jesuits to mislead, to misinterpret and even to kill if the
means will justify themselves. The system is inherently
counter-reformatory. Its very existence is meant to lead devotees as
far away as possible from the Protestant faith and back to Catholicism.
Edwardson (1943) purports that it is to be observed that the intention
of the Vow wherewith the Society has bound itself in obedience to the
supreme Vicar of Christ (Pope) without any excuse, is that we must go
to whatever part of the world he shall determine to send us, among
believers or unbelievers. The object of this vow is to the destruction
of protestantism in any part of the world. If that is the

case then let the catholic Jesuits tell us weather have they managed to
counter all the protestant theology.

In 1888, the Senate of the United States, May 21, 1888, Mr. Blair
introduced the bill,

was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor . A bill to secure
to the people the enjoyment of the first day of the week, commonly
known as the Lord's day, as a day of rest, and to promote its
observance as a day of religious worship, Jones(1888 ) .

The bill was intended to legislate the observance of Sunday as a day of
worship for all the citizens of America. The bill was presented to the
senate by a Senator Blair. The bill counter argued by a professor of
History Mr A T Jones, the former representative of the “American
people”, and the latter representative of the Seventh Day Adventist.
The proceedings of the arguments lead to the abolishment of Senator
Blair's bill, legislating Sunday observance. However in 1893, the
official mouth piece of the Roman Catholic church in America known as
the Catholic Mirror of Baltimore, Maryland, published a series of four
editorials, which appeared in that paper September 2, 9, 16, and 23,
1893[2] . However the response to the disposal of the Sunday
legislation in America, by the Seventh Day Adventists in America was
answered by the Catholic church.

In the articles that appeared it becomes evident that they argue
that it should have been the right of the protestant churches to argue
for the legislation of Sunday by Congress, because the Protestant
world, l ike the Roman Catholic church are not biblical in their
theology. Hence the claim that protestants are biblical, according to
the catholic theologians is “both a lie and dishonest”. Hence in their
appeal to the protestant world is the notion that they should produce
any scriptures to substantiate their claims of “Sola scriptura”. That
is, let the protestant world produce exhibitions that their faith is
biblical. This claim they presented it with much theological zeal
knowing that there wasn't going to be any exhibits produced, because as
we have seen that the Jesuits had infiltrated protestantism and
countered the reform faith. However the articles stated unequivocally
that there still remains an insignificant, yet correct body of
protestants, “the Adventists are the only body of Christians with the
Bible as their teacher, who can find no warrant in its pages for the
change of day from the seventh to the first. Hence their appellation,
"Seventh-day Adventists”[3]. The article continues further to state
that numerically considered, the Seventh-Day Adventists form an
insignificant portion of the Protestant[a] population of the earth,
but, as the question is not one of numbers, but of truth, fact, and
right, a strict sense of justice forbids the condemnation of this
little sect without a calm and unbiased investigation. Seeing therefore
that the Roman Catholic church has already investigated the other
protestant believers, such as the, “Methodists[a], have declared that
the Sabbath has never been abrogated, whilst the followers of the
Church of England[a], together with her daughter, the
Episcopal Church of the United States[a], are committed by

twentieth article of religion, to the ordinance that the Church cannot
lawfully ordain anything  "contrary to God's written word." God's
written word enjoins His worship to be observed on Saturday absolutely,
repeatedly, and most emphatically, with a most positive threat of death
to him who disobeys. All the Biblical sects occupy the same
self-stultifying position which no explanation can modify, much less
justify. This therefore shows that the Roman Catholic church has done
its investigation on the articles presented on the September 1893
editorials, shows very clearly that Rome was condemning

Protestantism as “ groundless, self-contradictory, and suicidal”. It
follows therefore as they stated that the Adventists in accordance with
a strict sense of justice there is forbearance that the condemnation of
this little sect shouldn't without a calm and unbiased investigation.

Does this mean that the when the investigation has been ended the
Jesuits will exercise the very maxims that are encoded within their
oath “that they will kill... poison... or even shoot any one... mother,
father, son, daughter and even protestant”[b] in order to propagate
their “justified end”. When this investigation shall be over, what
should the Adventists expect seeing that Rome has said that it is the
only “body of believers” that is protestant. It is at this point of the
sabbath the reformation failed at the Council of Trent.

In conclusion it is note worthy to realize that the reformation was
a movement that rose from the dark theological light of the Catholic
church and its rise was augmented by the cry that the bible and the
bible only is the rule and guide of faith. Its theology though flawed
awakened amoung its adherents a heightened spiritual zeal for the
things of God. Therefore since the catholic system hard taken away the
very principles that govern spirituality and faith, the reformation
therefore became a threat to the existence of the catholic body.

Its elimination became paramount. The Jesuits were thus drafted in to
the Papal system. The

organization formed under military guise, but with spiritual
connotations, proved to be a very formidable foe against protestantism.
The Jesuits aligned themselves heavily upon the theories that they can
do virtually anything as long as it justifies the desired means. This
therefore saw them doing atrocities abominable to humanity, yet they
claiming to be doing it for God. They massacred millions of protestants
in the world to pave way for their new order of thing were the Papal
system is the rule of law. The Jesuits were not physically forceful but
they were also waged a theologically warfare. As it is demonstrated by
the scholarship of Jesuits like Alcazar and Ribera who taught counter
theology for the express reason of demeaning protestant theology. These
teachings have found their way into the protestant world through its
Jesuit student trained theologians. The Jesuits were very zealous in
establishing schools, especially in protestant nations were
protestantism hard gained ground. They enrolled the children of
nobility and they were taught to

abhor protestantism and to advocate for catholicity. This influenced
many monarchs of Europe. Charles V being an example of Jesuit
education. He being zealous in persecuting the protestant faith.





[a] Emphasis added


1. The Jesuit Oath of Induction is also recorded in the Congressional
Record of the U.S.A.

(House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene

C.Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler,Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-


2. Rome's Challenge: Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday?(1893) The
International Religious

Liberty Association, Battle Creek, Mich.

3. Rome's Challenge: Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday?(1893) The
International Religious

Liberty Association, Battle Creek, Mich. From the

[Catholic Mirror of Sept. 2, 1893.]

4. Rome's Challenge: Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday?(1893) The
International Religious

Liberty Association, Battle Creek, Mich

[1893, RCPKS 25.2]

Bayle(1919) Crit and Phi. Dictionary,
art “Loyola” Vol III, p 889.

Wilkinson B G (1930) Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, Washington


Wylie Dr. J. A. LL.D(1888) Excerpted from the massive 2 vol. History of
Protestantism, Encyclopedia Britannica,

Article, Jesuits, par. 11.

Campbell T. J. (1943) Facts Of Faith

Jones A T (1886) Signs Of The Times Volume 12 articles of august 12


Noble A (1946) The Jesuits and their Strategy to destroy Britain

J Fox (1896) Fox's Book of Martys, Harvesttime publishing,


Jones A T (1873) History of the Church, vol. ii. chap. v. sect. 1.

Waterworth J (1848) The Council of Trent , the canons and decrees of the

sacred and oecumenical Council of Trent, translated

and edited by the authour, London, Dolman

Caringola R (1991) Seventy Weeks: The Historical Alternative (Abundant

Life Ministries Reformed Press, : 31

Manhattan A(1949) The Vatican In World Politics, Associations, Inc.

White E. G.(1911) The Great Controversy, pp. 234, 235.

Thompson R. W.(1894)

Footprints of the Jesuits, The Ex-Secretary of Navy,

U. S.A. p. 51.

Idem, pp. 182, 183.

Froude (1991) The Council of Trent, pp. 174, 175.

Innes A. T. (1946) Church and State, p. 156

McCabe, J (1928) History of the Inquisition,

Mullan, Father Elder S.J.(1914) The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
of Loyola

Pope Paul III (1548) In the brief Pastoralis officii of the 31 July

Oakland R (2007) Faith Undone ,Oregon: Lighthouse Trails

Publishing,):p 90

Witcombe J (2012) What’s So Bad about Spiritual Formation?,

Amazing Discoveries,

Froom Le Roy(1954) The Prophetic faith of our fathers, Vol 4

Carlyle T (1795-1881) Quoted in L.H. Lehmann: The Secret of

Catholic Power, New York, undated, p. 14


Alonzo T. Jones before the United States

Senate Committee on Education and Labor; AT

WASHINGTON, D. C., DEC. 13, 1888.

Wetterau B (1994). World history. New York: Henry Holt and


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