THE GOSPEL STORY. Presented in partial fulfillment of the theology of the Third Angel’s Message of Revelation 14: 9-12. Written by LamulaniBNgwenya The God of heaven, in his Divine wisdom has not left man ignorant of His Ultimate will. Man in his mortal state is subject to varied temptations, making him susceptible to the schemes of the devil. Hence God in His Great wisdom has provided us with means of dealing with the schesims of this great arch deceiver. It follows that it is our duty to know and to spread the message about God’s intervention in people’s lives. This intervention is called the “Gospel Story” among other common appellations. This story is more than just a tale about Divinity interacting with humanity. It features a plethora of definitions and a collection of types, a series of idioms and a marked number of fore-tellings. Yet the bottom line is hardly difficult to miss, because it culminates in what all Christendom calls the “Gospel Story”, “The...