
Showing posts from 2017

Archeology Reveals the Truth of the Bible: The life and times of Moshe Ben Jechobed

Archeology Confirms the bible SOLUSI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES TOPIC: An exposition of Hebrews 11: 24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, using archaeological discoveries. A PROJECT PAPER PREPARED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE COURSE RELH 430 BIBLICAL ARCHEOLOGY. WRITEN BY LAMULANI B NGWENYA ID# 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 2 INSTRUCTOR Dr H NDLOVU APRIL BLOCK 2017 History is riddled with acts that point to very finger of God. Recorded in stone or buried in the sands of time are historical records, featuring biblical characters and their acts. Life can be equated to a theatrical production. And the performers play their part. It is the role of archeology to dig up the records of these people and publish them for the public. Many are such records in museums and Universities. Such paleontological accounts tell of stories of great and strange men and women who also made history. In this pap...

The Impact of Chrisitan Education. Abstract.

The Impact of Christian Education.   written by: Mandisa Mabhena. B.ED English and Communication   Abstract. The purpose of this study is to establish the influence that Christian education has on the behaviour change in students learning at Shashane Adventist High school in Matobo District. The research design is descriptive in nature. The respondents will constitute of twenty-five ordinary level students who have been in the Christian Education system for the past three years, for validity and reliability purposes. The research instruments that are going to be employed by the researcher will be self constructed questionnaires, interviews and the focus group will be used to collect the relevant data and evaluating the quality and acceptability of the research. After the data has been collected the facts on Christian Education having an influence on behaviour change will be established and they will be new conclusions on the topic on study. The...

"All mighty God in whose Hands our future lies..."

SOLUSI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES TOPIC: The challenge of incorporating Seventh Day Adventist beliefs into the National Curriculum in the Zimbabwean Primary School system. A PROJECT PAPER PREPARED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE COURSE RELP 199 RELIGIOUS AND ACADEMIC WRITINGS. WRITEN BY LAMULANI B NGWENYA CHAPTER 3. CHALLENGES. OVERVI E W. There is a tendency to water down the pillars of Adventism in order to create a theologically inclusively environment. The main purpose of mission schools is to propagate the teachings or Doctrines of the responsible authority. The conflict therefore arises if the doctrines of the responsible authority are in apparent contradiction with the policy makers. These will be outlined in the next coming paragraphs. It is also important to know the theology of Adventism in brief, especially those points that set it apart from other Faiths. Theology and pedagogy have always b...